Newsletter INTERFACE
Issue Content
- Spin-Off Developing Stress-Measuring Device
- Starting Spin-Off Requires Courage but It Brings New Opportunities, Colleagues and Great Satisfaction, says Julie Dobrovolná
- The Parc Introduced to Faculties
- Non Disclosure Agreement in Practice
- Spin-off společnost Flowmon ohlásila exit. Pomůže jí k expanzi do zahraničí
Issue content
- New Method Detects Colon Cancer from Blood
- There is a Difference Between Applied Research Resulting in a Publication and Research Attractive to the Industry, says Ondřej Slabý
- Material Transfer Agreement in practice
- Four Projects Aimed at Fighting COVID-19 Supported by TA CR
- MUNI Has Been Testing Products in Antarctica for Three Years
Issue content
- Spin-Offs are Fragile. However, They Bring Profit to All Sides
- Rigid Environment is the Worst Adversary, Says Petr Dvořák
- Century-Old University Awarded Its Partners
- British Biotech Company Licensed MUNI Know-How to Develop New Cancer-Killing Compounds
- Tested in Antarctica Trademark to Be Used Abroad As Well
Issue content
- Cheap and Sustainable Method of Producing Graphene Discovered
- I Peeked into a World That Was Hidden to Me, Says Vítězslav Bryja
- EUCA-InVEst Project Finished, Collaboration Will Go on
- Trademarks Act Went Through Revolutionary Amendment
- Third Business Research Forum Offered Cooperation with the University
Plasma-Treated Packaging Will Help Meat Industry
Issue content
- Antarctic Extremes to Prove More Products. Three Got the Trademark Already
- IT Experts Will Make Scanners Smarter. They Taught Them to Process Scanned Invoices
- Cooperation is not Exclusive, It Concerns Everyone, Says Mr. Komárek from TA CR
- Photogallery: Masaryk University Presented its Inventions at Invent Arena
- Successful Startup Founder says: Always Follow up on Customer‘s Needs
- New Course will Guide Students from Ideas to Business
Issue content
- University and Private Company Developing Next-Gen Industrial Coating
- Army Recruits Tested By MU’s Hypothesis
- Communication with Companies Comes Natural to Us, Says Vice-Dean Matyáš
- Icy Antarctica Puts First Czech Products to Trial
- University Licensed Compounds for Promising Research of Nucleases to British Company
- Immunosensors from CEITEC Aim for Application
- First Year of OP RDE Brought Trainings, Workshops and International Conferences
Issue content
- Researchers Developing Potential Treatment for Cancer Along with the British Say: Good Science Is Always Risky
- Investigation Concerning Half-a-Century-Old Cell Line Led to Masaryk University
- Companies in Our Region Would not Grow without Universities, Says the New CEO of JIC
- Researchers Are Testing Better Methods of Measuring Hormone Contamination in Water. PoC Helps
- Scientists Are Inducing Stress with NASA Test. They Intend to Develop Stress Meter
- PoC Workshop Helped to Rate Chances of Technologies in the Market
Issue content
- Science and Business Met at Business Research Forum of Masaryk University
- Device Constructed by MU Scientists Detects Methanol Poisoning within Minutes
- Demand for IT Law Specialists is Enormous
- Business Research Forum in Numbers and Pictures
- University Offers its Own System for Typesetting and Printing Braille
- Products Tested in Antarctica can Obtain Special Trademark
- New TTO Project Offers Education and Advancement of MU Departments
Issue content
- Information Scientists Study Energy Supply Systems of the Future
- Less Money but Great Benefits. Even Humanities Have a Lot to Offer
- Unique Collection Sells Microorganisms, Stores Cultures and Offers Other Services
- Hundreds Visited MU Stand at Invent Arena
- Students Helped Zoo to Develop Application for Visitors
- BioTechMed Project Ended, Search for a Cure for Leukemia Continues
- Workshop Connected IT Lab with Commercial Partners
- MU Obtained Nine More Patents
Issue content
- Strength of Materials and Clean Technologies Can Be tested in Antarctica
- Proof of Concept is the First Step from Lab to Practice
- We‘re Sentenced to Cooperation between Companies and Universities
- TTO Experts Educate University Employees and Students
- A Slightly Different TT Day
- Faculty Sells Healthy Shoes and Gets Research Data in Return
- CEITEC MU and Microscope Manufacturer FEI will Join Forces
- European Project Helped to Advance Technology Transfer at MU
- University Acquired another Patent and Utility Models
- Cultivation Chamber at BioSpot Conference
Issue content
- Business Research Forum of Masaryk University Welcomed Over 300 Visitors
- TTO Project Supported Development of Translation Memory Data Mining Methods
- Cooperation of MU with Public Administration
- Brochure Gives Information on Research Data Protection
- Both Biology Students and Reprofit Company Report: Field Trips are Useful!
- Psychologist from MU Develop Future Talents
- CRoCS Lab Workshop Drawn ICT Companies
- We Carry on Providing Education for Scientists
- Czech Patents Protect 6 More MU Inventions
- Helps to Support and Develop Technology Transfer
Issue content
- We Have Supported Technology Development in its Early Stages
- Experts from All Around the World Met at the International Conference ICTPI
- Contact Persons Will Improve Transfer Environment at MU
- Plasma Technologies Conquer Industry
- Technology Transfer: Natural Part of Strategic Plan of MU
- CERIT Science Park: Another Job for TTO MU
- KUK Acquisition System Can Help Other Libraries as Well
- Second TT DAY Attracted Hundred Visitors
- Round Table Focused on Scientific Development of Footwear
- Workshop Presented Activities of LaSArIS Lab
Issue content
- Martin Zvonař: We Cooperate with Both Doctors and Cyberneticists
- New Spin-off Will Focus on Project Management
- Beware of Fake Registers of Intellectual Property
- Luděk Niedermayer: Well-Built Transfer System is the Best Way to Advertise MU
- Corinth Classroom: (R)evolution Continues
- Touch Contemporary Science at MU’s Interactive Exhibition
- Educational Project Warns the Young: Your Lifestyle Will Catch up with You
Issue content
- Martin Bareš: The University Has to Have a Single Voice
- Cliff Zintgraff, IC2 Institute, USA: Technology-Based Development at MU
- Jaromír Homola, Corinth Ltd.: We’re Developing a World of Visual Education
- IC2 Experts Take Part in Developing the TTO Team
- TTO MU Team Organized First TT DAY
- The First National Conference on TT Drew More than 140 Visitors
- Luděk Matyska: CERIT-SC Is a Partner Prepared for Big Tasks
- Biomechanical Footwear J HANÁK R: Healing Coollaboration
Issue content
- L. Janíček: Technology Transfer Is the Best Way to Build Relationships between MU and Industrial or Application Sphere
- Prestigious Awards Go to MU Scientists and Spin-Off Entrepreneurs
- TTO Arranged Meeting between Corinth Company and Team of Department of Biology FE MU
- Dr. Ranjan Presented Technology Transfer in the USA to MU Scientists
- Round Table Brought Discussion Concerning Ethics and Stem Cells
- Vocilka: If You Have a Good Idea There Is Nothing to Be Afraid of
- TTO MU Held Seminar for Technology Transfer Employees
- Energetics from the Perspective of Social Sciences
- Patents Obtained and Utility Models Registered
Issue content
- Celebrio Software: Inspirational cooperation
- A project focused on technology transfer will help research teams
- CAVER: A commercial application of interdisciplinary cooperation
- Platform for Industrial Cooperation Project
- Strategic priorities of the CENTROPE region established by conference
- Innovation vouchers support cooperation of scientists and companies for the fourth time already
- Hlaváček: The MCC program can help chemists, physicists and economists
- Glossary: Don’t lose yourself in the world of IP!
- Patents awarded, utility models registered
Issue content
- New detection cell: a successful technology transfer
- RECETOX: Cooperating with industry as well as supporting students
- EF-TRANS Project: Knowledge Transfer – How to do it?
- Spin-off companies bring benefits to scientists and regions
- Summer school on technology transfer
- The SynBIOsis project will acquaint the Czech scientists with good practice
- Managing intellectual property in grant projects
- Patent applications, awarded patents
- The new seat of the TTO MU
Issue content
- Intellectual property: a property worth protecting
- Commercialization: the right application of research resultsTec
- hnology transfer office: supporting both science and business
- Spin-off companies – Europe-proven scientist entrepreneurship
- Legal aspects of contractual research
- Patent applications and utility design registrations
- Project ChemPoint: education of scientists and students
- The Innovation Voucher 2011 Call
Issue content
- IMUNA CZ, Ltd., and MU scientists cooperate in creating a new preparate for treating infections
- The project of prof. Černák and the TONAK company won the "Best Cooperation of the Year" award
- Intelligent vending machines: a progressive solution
- Intelligent buildings: new quality in decision making and management
- A field survey described the conditions and barriers of development of research in South Moravia region
- The new ideas have to be protected in time – before publication
- MU presentation at the International Engineering Fair
- Awarded patents and invention applications
- CoReTech: project succesfully finished
Issue content
- Incubators help to launch companies with innovative ideas
- A survey has shown the interest of academics in technology transfer and the TTO services
- Association of Industrial Partners FI MU: summary of the cooperation and future prospects
- The Microsoft copany supports the Fakulty of Informatics in education of experts
- The cooperation of IBM and the Faculty of Informatics brings innovation in both teaching and development
- The ChemPoint familiarizes scientists with industrialists
- Meeting under the patronage of CoReTech
- The course Intellectual Property Rights
- The awarded patents and invention applications
Issue content
- Masaryk University signed a contract of using a new technology with the TONAK company
- The Institute of Computer Science develops new technologies with the AdvaICT company
- The CETOCOEN project contributes to environmental and human health protection
- M. Bunček: Finding common ground is the key
- The cooperation of MU and the MANTA Technologies company will help the handicapped students
- The MU technologies at Brno trade fairs
- The Masaryk University received six new innovation vouchers
- New invention applications
Issue content
- CEITEC project advances Czech research teams to a world-class level
- First-rate research can catapult the region among the elite
- M. Kostka: Our mission is to turn ideas into products
- ICT Brokerage 2009 encourages international collaboration between scientists and companies
- Innovation vouchers will benefit enterprisers and universities
- TTO courses teach scientists managerial skills
- CoReTech project supports cross-border cooperation
- TTO MU experts succeed in establishing biology course on intellectual property
Issue content
- Masaryk University Has Become a Partner of Imprimatur Capital
- Masaryk University Succeeded with the Project SynBIOsis
- MU Experts Partake in the Development of Next-Generation Treatments of Non-Woven Textiles
- B. Thomas: South Moravia has great potential, but tangible economic results will take time
- DNA Diagnostics Helps as Research and Experience
- Nanotechnology is useful not only for industry, but also entertainment
- Brochure Introduces the Top Laboratories
- A New Semester Begins for the Course "Research and Development in Practice"
- MU Presented its Research at a Trade Fair in San Diego
Issue content
- Research of antitumor vaccines at MU supports both university and commercial domains
- We increase quality of treatment and we quickly introduce innovations into practise
- IBA is a top partner in scientific projects and clinical research
- RECETOX centre carries out research of air pollutants
- What is the third role of universities?
- EU Project Advisory Service
- Students of MU can attend a new research management course
- TTO will present University at ANALYTICA 2008
- MU will introduce its plasma technologies on the Profintech fair
Issue content
- Cooperation With Pioneer Companies: Universities Profit
- J. Slovák: We Want to Help in Breaking Through Barriers
- INVEA: A Bridge Between the Academic and Commercial Sphere
- L. Chodák: We Enjoy Implementing New and Interesting Things
- Brief Introduction of Some Laboratories
- Supercomputers Help Scientists and Students
- MU Files More Patent Appliacations
- MU Was Awarded a Patent
- Scientists' Unknown Face