prof. RNDr. Jan Slovák, DrSc.
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
Phone: | +420 549 49 7060 |
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In autumn 2020, the Masaryk University (MU) launches a research project Awareness of Technology and Knowledge Transfer at Masaryk University. This project is based on interviews with a wider university public; therefore, we have prepared this site for you to find basic information about the survey. After it is processed, you will also find the results here.
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The aim of the survey is to describe the development of the awareness of technology and knowledge transfer at Masaryk University. For this reason, this is a repetition of survey from 2010; the methodology and the questionnaire used allow for data comparison. New thematic blocks are added in the questionnaire of 2020.
Who is implementing this research?
MU Technology Transfer Office and RMU Strategy Department. You can contact for all practical information and explanations regarding this survey. The employees of the MU Rector's Office, Strategy Department are available for you.
What is this survey good for?
It will help Masaryk University to better adjust support for applied research, to find out what is the awareness of its support and what researchers think about it.
Why should I participate?
We are addressing you as an academic worker/researcher or a student of doctoral study programme in 2020. Participation in the survey means a completion of a questionnaire, which will take you about 15 minutes. In order for the sample to represent general opinion across the university, the highest possible return is necessary. We will be very happy if you take some time and fill in the questionnaire; it will help us to better consider the practical application of research results.
Is this survey intended only for natural and technical sciences (i.e. those who apply for patents)?
No, we'd be very happy if scientists from all fields at MU participated. Naturally, some topics of the "technology and knowledge transfer" are more distant for them, which stems from the general concept of this area in the Czech Republic. However, we have attempted to set the questionnaire more generally and it will be very useful if we get as many different perspectives as possible. Important questions always allow for specifying the answer if the options do not suit you.
Is it voluntary?
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. You can omit the questions you don't want to answer for any reason. There are no advantages or disadvantages for you from participating in research.
Does the questionnaire collect any personal or confidential information?
It does not, in principle, but it is difficult to judge because confidential means different things for different people (age as an example). For identification, we only need to know the respondent’s gender, length of practice, faculty and position (employee/phd student). We have set these categories as generally as possible so that the combination does not allow identifying the respondent and we will always process the data in bulk.
Why are you asking if I'm a man or a woman?
Some identification data are included to check the structure of the sample compared to the population.
What thematic areas of questions does the questionnaire contain?
(1) Awareness of the promotion of applied research; (2) Potential of and experience with practical application of results; (3) Attitudes towards the practical application of results; (4) Experience and evaluation of Transfer and Technology Office MU; (5) Education and promotion of practical application of results.
How will the data be treated?
The data collected in this survey will be administered by Masaryk University (MU; Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno). In the questionnaire, you will provide data on the above listed topics. Your answers will be stored in the Qualtrics database and will not be identifiable. The research team that will analyse the data will process the data as anonymous. The data will be used exclusively for the strategic decision-making needs of the Technology Transfer Office of Masaryk University.
Phone: | +420 549 49 7060 |
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